User Defined Functions

  • 1. Scalar functions
  • 2. Inline table-valued functions
  • 3. Multistatement table-valued functions

  • Scalar functions may or may not have parameters, but always return a single (scalar) value. The returned value can be of any data type, except text, ntext, image, cursor, and timestamp.

  • Let us now create a function which calculates and returns the age of a person. To compute the age we require, date of birth. So, let's pass date of birth as a parameter. So, AGE() function returns an integer and accepts date parameter.
  • AS  
  • BEGIN  
  •  DECLARE @Age INT  
  •  RETURN @Age  
  • END

  • When calling a scalar user-defined function, you must supply a two-part name,OwnerName.FunctionName. dbo stands for database owner.
  • Select dbo.Age( dbo.Age('10/08/1982')

  • You can also invoke it using the complete 3 part name, DatabaseName.OwnerName.FunctionName.
  • Select SampleDB.dbo.Age('10/08/1982')

  • Consider the Employees table below.

  • Scalar user defined functions can be used in the Select clause as shown below.
  • Select Name, DateOfBirth, dbo.Age(DateOfBirth) as Age from tblEmployees

  • Scalar user defined functions can be used in the Where clause, as shown below.
  • Select Name, DateOfBirth, dbo.Age(DateOfBirth) as Age 
  • from tblEmployees
  • Where dbo.Age(DateOfBirth) > 30

  • A stored procedure also can accept DateOfBirth and return Age, but you cannot use stored procedures in a select or where clause. This is just one difference between a function and a stored procedure. There are several other differences, which we will talk about in a later session.

  • To alter a function we use ALTER FUNCTION FuncationName statement and to delete it, we use DROP FUNCTION FuncationName.

  • Inline table valued functions : it is a function which we can use to join the tables 
  • because this function can return a table.

  • Syntax for creating an inline table valued function
  • CREATE FUNCTION Function_Name(@Param1 DataType, @Param2 DataType..., @ParamN DataType)
  • AS
  • RETURN (Select_Statement) 

  • If you look at the way we implemented this function, it is very similar to SCALAR function, with the following differences
  • 1. We specify TABLE as the return type, instead of any scalar data type
  • 2. The function body is not enclosed between BEGIN and END block. Inline table valued function body, cannot have BEGIN and END block.
  • 3. The structure of the table that gets returned, is determined by the SELECT statement with in the function.

  • Where can we use Inline Table Valued functions
  • 1. Inline Table Valued functions can be used to achieve the functionality of parameterized views. We will talk about views, in a later session.
  • 2. The table returned by the table valued function, can also be used in joins with other tables.

  • Consider the Departments Table

  • Joining the Employees returned by the function, with the Departments table
  • Select Name, Gender, DepartmentName 
  • from fn_EmployeesByGender('Male') E
  • Join tblDepartment D on D.Id = E.DepartmentId

  • Executing the above query should produce the following output 

  • Multi-statement Table Valued function(MSTVF):
  • Create Function fn_MSTVF_GetEmployees()
  • Returns @Table Table (Id int, Name nvarchar(20), DOB Date)
  • as
  • Begin
  • Insert into @Table
  • Select Id, Name, Cast(DateOfBirth as Date)
  • From tblEmployees
  • Return
  • End

  • Calling the Inline Table Valued Function:
  • Select from fn_ILTVF_GetEmployees()

  • Calling the Multi-statement Table Valued Function:
  • Select from fn_MSTVF_GetEmployees()


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