Identity column in SQL Server
This is only for identity coloum
Create Table tblPerson
PersonId int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,
Name nvarchar(20)
Insert into tblPerson values ('Sam')
Insert into tblPerson values ('Sara')
Insert into tblPerson values ('Todd') where personid=2
select * from tblperson
Insert into tblPerson(PersonId, Name) values(2, 'John')
delete tblPerson where personid=2
SET Identity_Insert tblPerson ON --suppose we have deleted any in between the table and we try to insert the row but it can be inserted by this querry we inserted the row
SET Identity_Insert tblPerson OFF --after modification we need to again resert the identity insert..
DBCC CHECKIDENT(tblPerson, RESEED, 0)-- if we want to completely delete our table and start is agiin from the person id =1 the we should use this querry
Create Table tblPerson
PersonId int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,
Name nvarchar(20)
Insert into tblPerson values ('Sam')
Insert into tblPerson values ('Sara')
Insert into tblPerson values ('Todd') where personid=2
select * from tblperson
Insert into tblPerson(PersonId, Name) values(2, 'John')
delete tblPerson where personid=2
SET Identity_Insert tblPerson ON --suppose we have deleted any in between the table and we try to insert the row but it can be inserted by this querry we inserted the row
SET Identity_Insert tblPerson OFF --after modification we need to again resert the identity insert..
DBCC CHECKIDENT(tblPerson, RESEED, 0)-- if we want to completely delete our table and start is agiin from the person id =1 the we should use this querry