Name space in #

1. It is a collection of variety of classes in a arranged manner.
2.A name space is used to organize your code and is collection of various classes ,interface,collection,enums,delefates etc.

System is a namespace and Console is a class in that namespace. The using keyword can be used so that the complete name is not required, as in the following example:

using System;
//We are using system name space.
//inside system namespace we have to describle console classess
class Program
    static void Main()//static Main method
        Console.WriteLine("Hello My dear Friends");
        Console.Read();//Hold the screen


Hello My dear Friends

//Here we are not using 'using' name space
class Program
    static void Main()//static Main method
        System.Console.WriteLine("Hello My dear Friends");
        System.Console.Read();//Hold the screen


Hello My dear Friends

Its a bad programing we should use name spaces 

using System;

class Program

    static void Main1(string[] args)//static  method
        Console.WriteLine("Hello My dear Friends1");
        Console.Read();//Hold the screen

    //Main method is the entry point of our application
    static void Main(string[] args)//static Main method
        Console.WriteLine("Hello My dear Friends");
        Console.Read();//Hold the screen


Hello My dear Friends

using System;

class Program

    static void Main1(string [] args)//static  method
        Console.WriteLine("Hello My dear Friends1");
        Console.Read();//Hold the screen

    //Main method is the entry point of our application
    static void Main(string[] args)//static Main method
        Console.WriteLine("Hello My dear Friends");
        Console.Read();//Hold the screen

    static void Main(string[] args)//static Main method
        Console.WriteLine("Hello My dear Friends dublicate main method");
        Console.Read();//Hold the screen



Two main method can not de define in single class (Error

Error 1 Type 'Program' already defines a member called 'Main' with the same parameter types C:\Users\jaideep.bisht\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\mvc project in series\Programing\Programing\Program.cs 20 17 Programing


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